Shirt Changing & Team Play Tips:

_Rain_ (Thank You Michael) has made a video showing a shirt change
by getting one from a friend's or teammate's profile Click Here!

Or here is a video to change your shirt with a pic on your computer
 created by Lyle Wallace (Thank you Lyle) Click Here!

How to copy a teamies pic and update your profile pic
by Grampenstein (Thank you Bruce)  Click Here!

Or here is step by step instructions to change your profile pic.

Right click on the desired image below, and choose "save image as". Pay attention to the folder you're saving it to, as you will need it in the following steps.

From any page at replay, click on the pulldown menu next to your picture (top right of the page) and choose "profile"

You now should be viewing your profile, choose "EDIT PROFILE" the large red icon.

Then click on "Change" ( to the right of your picture )

Then click on "Select Files to Upload"

A screen will pop up , click on the Pic you saved to your computer, then click on "open"

The logo should now show on your screen , click .. "Upload"

Last scroll down the page and click "Update Profile"

If you were able to follow this, you now should have the team logo as your profile picture.

renegades     globetrotter

          Wonders logo 
                logo Phil's
                PotChasers logo
Here's some team play tips compiled by Larry_Laffer

Printer Friendly Link: (click here)

1. Trust your teammates because they trust you. If the small stack teammate is in the hand and you have chips you can afford to share, call with the assumption that you're not going to win the hand but simply pass chips. Then let the small stack lead the betting. You won't impede their play because they will know you are in it to support them. The small stack always gets priority

2. Go slow in the first round of betting, don't be overly aggressive. See what other teammates are in the hand and how they're betting. If you're lucky enough to have other teammates at your table and even in a hand, one of you will eventually take the lead and the rest will follow. And that leader changes per hand.

3. Just because you have a winning hand doesn't mean you should win the hand. I can't tell you how many times I've folded AA or KK to defer to another teammate.

4. Don't get in betting battles with your teammates. Or even involved in a betting battle that a teammate may be having with someone else. If another teammate bets big and it isn't a chip passing situation, just fold. Let them battle that hand out with other teams.

5. If you are sitting to the right of teammate, just check or call so that you can see what they do. I always assume that the teammate to the left of me has AA, so I don't want to over bet and force them out of a hand by accident. I don't do anything super aggressive until after the first round of betting is over.

6. I throw out a small bet in the first round of betting if there are teammates in the hand just to show to my teammates that I have a playable hand.

7. Avoid calling excessive hands (it bleeds team chips and prevents your teammates from being able to engage)

8. Don't bluff if you have other teammates in the hand. If you throw out a big bet with a garbage hand your other teammates are going to fold out of respect for their teammate. You don't want to bluff a teammate into folding a good hand.

9. Be careful of over betting and forcing your teammate's small stack out of a hand. When there are no teammates in a hand you can go crazy with betting. But until that point be aware of your other teammate's stacks.

10. When it comes to strategy, lone wolves tend to bleed out team chips, which creates a problem, because the rest of the team at the table needs to work around that player and try to find opportunities to pass chips.

11. Try to avoid using the presets to fold and bet. Wait for your turn to be able to decide if you can help the team.

12. The rules forbid any kind of coaching during the game. Avoid table-talk (talk about the current or even a previous hand, and how it was played) this can influence future hands, and thus not allowed. You also are not allowed in any type of chat with teammates during a game.

13. Just remember every time you have that 20 seconds to act on your hand look around the table, look at your teammates stacks, and think to yourself, what can I do right now to bring my teammates up to par, protect them and get them to the final table with me, and then act on your hand, when you get to the final table. Think about how you and your teammates are going to win this thing.  Even out your stacks so all have a better chance at competing/surviving, and try to accumulate the most points while taking out your opponents. If you do that, you won’t just win, your whole team will win.

14. Attendance is key. We know you have a life outside of the team. But just showing up, even if you don't make it to the points. Can benefit the team in a big way.